Supporting cities

Reduced car dependency

Tiptapp benefits a car-free society by making it easier for households to manage without a car, resulting in fewer cars on our roads. When things can be carpooled to a greater extent, traffic congestion and emissions in our cities and suburbs are reduced. By using Tiptapp to get rid of your things you therefore contribute to increased carpooling and fewer cars on our roads. So apart from saving yourself some time, you also save on resources. In other words, a win-win!

48.300 fewer car rides in 2023

saved car trips as a result of the co- riding effect

52 tons CO2

emissions saved from the reduced car trips

278.000 giveaways

278.000 items were given away for free and got a prolonged life

The Community

Tiptapp provides an advertising platform where users who want help can connect with those who want to help. Tiptapp facilitates the connection but does not control the ad content, the price set, when and where the help should take place, or who is selected to help.  The users decided this amongst themselves, as long as the community guidelines, and local recycling regulations that are specified within the app are followed.

When a task is completed, the payment is released, safely in the app. At this point, both the advertising user and the helping user gets the opportunity to rate the interaction. 

A great way to earn some extra money

Tiptapp gives many the opportunity to earn a welcome extra income. Our helpers range from someone that is in-between jobs, to students who need some extra money, or someone that makes an occasional pickup when they are already going to the recycling yard. They are all using the app as a way to earn a little extra, at a time that suits them. 

Everyone on Tiptapp is acting as a private individual. In order to ensure that no one unintentionally runs the risk of being considered a professional, which may require, for example, a professional waste licence, there is a yearly earnings limit in place. All users approaching this limit receive timely notifications, so they are aware of how much they have earned and how much more they can earn through Tiptapp. The income ceiling is set in line with the tax authorities' regulations on the turnover limit for VAT. This makes Tiptapp the perfect way to boost your income, but not an alternative for a full time job. 

Apart from the earning limits and that all users are private individuals, we differ in a lot of other ways from other platforms. Some examples of this are: 

  • Tiptapp does not require activity:
    Tiptapp does not require users to be available, to perform a certain number of assignments or to perform assignments on a certain time. Its completely up to the user when, if and who they want to help. 

  • Users are not locked into Tiptapp:
    Tiptapp’s users do not commit themselves to perform tasks via the platform, nor do they commit themselves not to perform tasks via any other platforms.

  • Users use their own vehicles:
    Tiptapp does not own, and does not provide, equipment, vehicles or other assets that helpers may use.

If you want to earn extra through Tiptapp, read more about how to do it here: Become a helper

Taxes and responsibilities

We are committed to getting it right with taxes, employer liability and permits. We want to make it easy for our users to follow their country specific rules. In addition to the earnings limit on the helper side, the system does not allow advertisers to exceed the amount limit that would make them be considered as an employer.

Taxes must be declared and paid individually by each user who has had an income through the app. Tiptapp actively reminds users to declare their own income.


At Tiptapp we want to make sure both you and your items are safe and covered. To make sure no one is left without insurance, we've made sure to offer all helping users an accident insurance free of charge.

Users who are helped to move and deliver their belongings can also easily add a no-excess micro-insurance to protect the items during transport.